Monday, November 3, 2008

es uz has kah brud jak mens

// i feel like a cobblestone (Latvian)

From Tallinn I went south to Riga, pretty town ruined by cheap Ryanair flights that have made it a stag party haven. It shows in the attitude of the locals and the many hostels that have banned stag parties from staying there. You have to dodge around the drunkard Brits and Irish lads to peel back the town's culture, but it's there.

You'll notice I haven't written about Berlin, Frankfurt or my stint at home; it's hard to motivate oneself to write about places that you've already left. Unfortunately the city of Riga is to suffer the same undeserved fate. It's a cool town, but essentially there are lots of pretty art nouveau buildings, the aforementioned Brits and a cool tour guide called Alex. Other than that, there isn't really a great deal to report.

I did, however, meet a travelling companion there. Taro is a med student taking a year off to travel, he lives around the corner from me in Perth and I went to school with his sister. We did the obligatory small world chat and then discovered several common goals, so set out to achieve them together. Read on.

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